Cookie Policy

GreenWay Infrastructure s.r.o., with its registered office at Einsteinova 24, 851 01 Bratislava - Petržalka District, the Slovak Republic, Company ID No. (IČO): 47 728 086, a limited liability company registered with the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court Bratislava III, Section: Sro, Insert No.: 136109/B (the "Controller"), as the operator of websites, applications and other tools (collectively as the "Platform"), hereby informs on use and information sharing on user’s activity within the Platform by means of cookies and other similar technologies (e.g. pixels, local storage).


Cookies are small data files placed on user’s terminal equipment, i.e. a computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone or other equipment with access to the internet (the "Equipment"), by the Platform when visiting, browsing and/or using it (the "Cookies") to optimize provided information and to increase the user´s experience, including satisfaction resulting thereto. Cookies do not allow the examination, browsing and/or reading data stored in the Equipment. Moreover, Cookies are a well-established technology used e.g. to provide the basis for Platform functionality, including its security, to improve user interaction, connection efficiency and/or browsing, to improve service quality, overall attractiveness of the Controller, its portfolio and/or the Platforms. In addition, Cookies do not present a threat to the Equipment, take up minimal memory space and computing capacity of the Equipment, and do not slow down the Platform visit.

The most frequent types of Cookies are:

  • Time Criteria
    • session Cookies are stored in the Equipment solely during the Platform use, i.e. temporarily, thus, they are automatically deleted following the internet browser shut down;
    • persistent Cookies that remain deposited on the Equipment after user leaves the Platform, i.e. Cookies are available for reading again upon the next visit and/or use of the Platform, until they expire or being deleted by the user;
  • Purpose Criteria
    • necessary Cookies are of a technical nature and they provide the Platform functionality (e.g. proper Platform operation in its entirety, including individual functions, correct display of Platform content, access security, content storage (e.g. shopping cart), registered user login data storage), whereas they do not process any personal data as their sole purpose is the transfer or transfer facilitation of data over the network and/or it is essential for the information society service provider for information society service provision requested by the user, thus, no user's consent with the necessary Cookies is required1;
    • statistical Cookies are used to collect aggregate information (e.g. Platform traffic, number of clicks, browsing, performance, user satisfaction, preferences, Equipment type) and are subject to the user's prior consent;
    • marketing Cookies contribute to display of the most relevant content for the user reflecting its interests and/or preferences, to present tailor-made offers and are subject to the user's prior consent;
  • Parties Involvement
    • 1st party Cookies are Cookies of the website or application operator itself;
    • 3rd party Cookies are Cookies created by a party other than the website or application operator,

Consent with Cookies placement is given by the user voluntarily and unconditionally by means of the so-called Cookie banner accessible on the Platform. The Cookie banner lists all Cookies currently used by the Controller and includes more detailed information on Cookies (e.g. name, type, purpose, processed data and its use, date of consent granting (history), consent validity period, subsequent consent settings, third parties, legal basis, transfer to third countries/international organizations).

For more information on Cookies we would recommend visiting e.g. Wikipédiu, All About Cookies, About Cookies2, your browser settings or the Equipment manual.

Personal Data

In general, the Controller is unable to identify the specific user through cookies, i.e. the deposited data is mostly anonymous. However, if Cookies eventually lead to personal data processing, the legal bases for such data processing by the Controller are the following:

  • consent of the data subject under Article 6(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), as amended (the "Regulation") and Section 13(1)(a) of Slovak Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on protection of personal data and on amendment of certain legal acts, as amended (the "Act");
  • consent of the data subject under Article 49(1)(a) of the Regulation and Section 51(1)(a) of the Act with regard to personal data transfer of to a third country (e.g. the USA), for which there are no adequate safeguards for personal data protection comparable to or otherwise guaranteed by the European Union law;

whereas in such a case personal data is processed in accordance with the Regulation, the Act and the Controller’s privacy policy available on website in the Privacy Policy section (the "Privacy Policy").

More information on personal data processing by the Controller is available at the Controller's registered office, in the Privacy Policy, at e-mail address [email protected] or on phone No. +421 910 650 835.

Final Provisions

The Cookie Policy is subject to changes (e.g. due to technological developments, legislative changes, decision-making of regulatory authorities and/or courts). In case of any material changes, an adequate notification is to follow (e.g. via Platform notice and/or by email).

The Cookie Policy enters into force and effect on July 1st, 2024.

PDF for Download

1. Please refer to the last sentence of Section 109(8) of Slovak Act No. 452/2021 Coll. on electronic communications, as amended (the 'Electronic Communications Act'). 2. Please note that as these websites are not operated by the Controller, the Controller bears no responsibility for content published therein.
